dijous, 23 de setembre del 2010

Prevention is the best cure

In the last ten years, as all of us know, the Medicine has improved a lot. Now, the doctors say the preventive medicine is the key to good health because it allows us to live longer and healthier lives.

One example of that way to cure is the prevention of lung cancer in smokers and ex-smokers. Medical checks allow smokers and ex-smokers to know their state of health in relation to smoking related illness. Moreover, due recently advances, personalised treatments can be carried out via genetic study that allows for treating the illness more successfully. Anyway, the results of the lung cancer treatment depend on the size of the tumour. If it’s less than 2cm it’s easy to cure but if it’s bigger, logically, it’s more difficult to cure.

“Smoking is the main cause of avoidable death in the world.”

The information is taken from Catalonia Today- June 2010

First of all, I want to say that I’ve found this article very “light” because most of the things which it talks about seems logical and doesn’t add new information to the reader.

Then, I think that an article like that makes us to think twice before smoking a cigarette, although we already know that smoking produce cancer which is often lethal. I hope that if there is any smoker who read that article could change his live giving up smoking.

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